Saturday, June 23, 2007

My College

I don't honestly know what the last class was that I took; maybe it was that commercial real estate appraisal course, but it doesn't really matter.

With that class completed, I am now into my sophomore year!

I didn't get an 'A' in that real estate course. The teacher said that a percentage of a number changes depending in whether you divide or multiply. His theory was that 5% of 100 is 5 if you multiply by .05, but it's something like $5.25 if you divide by .95 and subtract 100. I told him that dividing by .95 isn't resolving 5% of 100, but rather is determining what number 100 is 95% of. He didn't get it, and he didn't believe me. He gave me a 'C' even though I knew which line to put which number on - and why!

I also didn't get an 'A' in a political science course entitled 'How Congress Works.' Oh well, but not really.

My cumulative GPA is 3.73, and I will forever hold the record in Mrs. Towey's communication skills class for catching 31 coins piled on my elbow. I know that for a fact, because she's dead!

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