Wednesday, July 04, 2007

My Prejudices

Much of what I've studied about various religions is what my father led me to. My own personal experiences include a very short stint 'as a Buddhist,' my confession to the Pentacostals, and my subsequent thoughts about how it all relates.

I have never believed in atheism, but I consider myself now agnostic about God.

My problem with the 'religious concept of God' is that He seems to personify, and talk to people who conveniently have TV shows. I don't believe life or God works that way. On the other hand, I find tremendous correlation between the concept of God and the definition of time. THIS IS A SERIOUS PREJUDICE. If it is to be proven, it must be proven logically and mathematically.

I must keep in mind that my task is not to answer the ultimate question, but to further that which is known.

The world is physical, but what is known about physics is not complete. It is, considering how time works, just in its infancy.

Why did the geniuses I mentioned come to mind? What was I to learn from that?

I encountered Hawking's theory on the evaporation of black holes. Even black holes seem to have logical balance and 'shelf life.'

Besides time and God, what else is defined as 'infinity?'

Because of my prejudice that souls exist, I must give additional consideration to concepts that explain that no soul exists.

Darwin is the starting point.

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Working William

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