Monday, July 02, 2007

That Damn Rap Music

Kids today just don't appreciate that good old music our parents hated; music that had messages of the e=mc2 factor that would represent our youth.

'They would not listen; they're not listening still. Perhaps they never will.'

Okay, I'm getting how time is the fourth dimension. We really do see things from eral perspective. People do not lose elements of time in perspective, causing a distorted view of current reality.

'Reality is just an illusion - albeit a very persistent one.' Albert, I think I understand better what you meant . . . er . . . what you mean. You're not so old like most of those other people screaming to be heard and not making sound.

Besides, who could hear you over those kids there who seem to be screaming just to be heard.

Is Bernie Taupin still alive?

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