Sunday, July 01, 2007

Something about Infinity

You probably know that the 'string of threes' in 1 divided by 3 is infinite. It never ends. However, because it starts, it is not infinity. It is only forever.

'Always' plus 'forever' equals 'infinity.'

Even that is distorted because 'always' and 'forever' are often misused to add magnitude to 'a long time,' and both, except either the end of always or the beginning of forever, are also 'unimaginable.' Infinity is unimaginable in both directions.

People will never understand infinity. It's a good thing we have more than enough time, but then we already have had as long as forever to get it.

It's so unimaginable that if you get it, you don't get it; it goes beyond that.

Don't worry about it, though. There isn't enough time in which to envision it, even though there is. Now do you get it?

If so, you don't get it; it goes beyond that.

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